Our vignerons – highly specialized vineyard experts

One of our secrets is “micro-vinification”: More than 2000 tiny parcels and almost 200 vignerons! How can a winegrowing estate keep track of all those moving pieces and ensure everything ends up where it‘s meant to be based on origin and terroir? The german-speaking wine magazine KALK&KEGEL has taken a look at the work of the Domäne Wachau vignerons.

Domäne Wachau is currently in the middle of the most important reorientation in its history: The wines have never been as puristic, focused, and origin-driven as they are today — this is true for all of our wines, not just the premium range! It took time, patience, and many long-term changes to get to this point: Estate Director Roman Horvath and winemaker & vineyard manager Heinz Frischengruber have spent the past 20 years adapting the structure of the cooperative, working with Domäne Wachau’s 200 growers to put it on a new, future-oriented path.

“We’re all in this together,” Roman Horvath explains. “Each grower has to feel at home within Domäne Wachau, understand our shared goals and the path needed to get us there. Many of our grape growers have tiny parcels but huge idealism, and we work to give them self-confidence, achievable targets, and plenty of appreciation — including fair income. We then come together to fine-tune their work in the vineyards. The connections among the growers and the estate team is established for the long run; we trust that our partnerships will last for generations.

For the entire KALK&KEGEL article and a comprehensive insight into the work of the Domäne Wachau winegrowers, simply follow the link below.

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